
Welcome to the Modern Museum Podcast!


Hi, I'm Rachel, a resource expert and career coach for museum educators who are stretched thin, but long to fall in love with their world changing work. After over 15 years with my own hands in the glitter. I know how it feels when your board thinks your work is childish because you work with children.

I know how hard it is to lead it to her on a difficult subject. And I know the frustration of waiting on a school bus that is 20 minutes late. Or worse, 10 minutes early. As I'm heading towards the second half of my career, I find myself with a passion to help my fellow educators reverse the chronic state of being overworked and under appreciated so that they can reclaim their creativity and emotional energy.

Join me and my museum buddies, as we share our best tips, tricks and techniques for modern museum education.


Markers, Construction Paper and Glitter Glue