Empathy First: Human Centered Design in Education Programs

12 Days of Christmas Day 8

Welcome back to the 12 Days of Christmas: Museum Education Edition!

In this episode, we explore the transformative power of human-centered design in creating museum programs that truly resonate with visitors. Whether you're designing for school groups, families, or adult learners, this approach puts people at the center, ensuring relevance, meaning, and engagement for all.

Key Insights

There are three phases of Human-Centered Design:

  • Inspiration: Understand your audience deeply through research, observation, and empathy.

  • Ideation: Brainstorm bold, creative solutions while involving diverse stakeholders.

  • Implementation: Pilot, test, and iterate programs for consistent improvement.

Practical Tips

Human Centered Designs allows you to develop more relevant and meaningful programs. Approaching your program plans from this mindset will encourage you to seek out collaboration, which will instill a sense of ownership among your stakeholders. And best of all, human centered design depends on constant revision, so you can build in continuous improvement for long-term success!

To use Human Centered Design principles in your museum education program planning, try these practical tips:

  • Observe visitor behavior and ask for feedback to identify needs.

  • Collaborate with team members, visitors, and community stakeholders.

  • Use iterative processes to refine programs based on real-time feedback.

Christmas tree branches with red ornaments and yellow lights are on the right side. Text on the left reads "12 Days of Christmas 2023, Day 8: Empathy First, Incorporating Human Centered Design"

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Looking for the transcript? Find it here.


Show and Tell: Presenting at Professional Conferences


Original Ideas: Fostering Innovation in Museum Education