Family Spaces in Art Museums: Creating Curiosity, Wonder, and Play

by Julia Forbes and Marianna Adams

Based on a multiyear study on how families use and benefit from specifically designated family-oriented spaces in museums, this slim book is full of research-backed, actionable ideas.

Although it does revolve around art institutions, the ideas presented here transcend to other types of institutions. It is filled with graphs, images, detailed research findings, and real-world examples that will help any museum educator find their footing in evaluating or revamping their education spaces.

If you find yourself in the lucky position of building, redesigning, or updating your family learning spaces, you will want to consult this easy-to-read book for ideas and best practices. But even if you are not doing a complete overhaul of your space, this book can help you find gaps in your space’s potential, create a “wish list” for the future, and give you something to aim towards in making your museum more family-friendly.

If you are looking best practices on fostering a family-friendly space for your museum, this is the book you need!

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The Undefeated


Tours with Children and Teens